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Kmmarshall89's Shop

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(based on 57 reviews)

I am an RE teacher and have been teaching 7 years across KS3-KS5. I have taught an abundance of topics (including lessons outside of my subject area). I enjoy creating my own resources that promote: independent learning, creativity and engage all learners. My resources tend to be structured with clear outcomes and lesson challenges. Please message me with enquiries if you would like to find out more.




I am an RE teacher and have been teaching 7 years across KS3-KS5. I have taught an abundance of topics (including lessons outside of my subject area). I enjoy creating my own resources that promote: independent learning, creativity and engage all learners. My resources tend to be structured with clear outcomes and lesson challenges. Please message me with enquiries if you would like to find out more.
AQA 9-1 GCSE Religious Studies: Muslim Practices - The Five Pillars revision lesson

AQA 9-1 GCSE Religious Studies: Muslim Practices - The Five Pillars revision lesson

A revision lesson that allows students to revise the key information and plan for answering each type of question on the AQA specification (Q1-5) Printable worksheets and answer sheets are on the PowerPoint slides The lesson ends with a 12 mark question phrase and includes a variety of differentiated writing frames and strategies for the 12 mark question Outcomes: To identify the five pillars and describe what each represents. To explain why each pillar is important To evaluate whether any of the five pillars are more important than the others
AQA GCSE 9-1 Religious Studies: Peace and Conflict. Christianity and Pacifism

AQA GCSE 9-1 Religious Studies: Peace and Conflict. Christianity and Pacifism

A lesson that focusses upon biblical teachings for pacifism and Pax Christi as a case study. Students should use the textbook and the various information available to complete a campaign leaflet for pacifism. The PowerPoint comes complete with a success criteria and all resources required. The starter activity focusses upon the biblical quotes I would suggest students learn for the exam. Differentiated information and activities are also provided The end of lesson task is a 5 mark question with a suggested writing process and self/ peer assessment opportunity Outcomes: Must: Describe what pacifism is Should: Explain why some Christians believe in Pacifism Could: Evaluate whether pacifism is an appropriate response to war
What was Islam like before the time of Mohammad (pbuh)?

What was Islam like before the time of Mohammad (pbuh)?

This lesson serves as an introduction to looking at the changes the prophet (pbuh) made in Pre-Islamic Arabia. Complete with outcomes/ activities and mini-plenaries. Suggested Youtube clips too! Planned for KS3 Y8 however it could be adapted as an intro for Y10-11 etc because it looks at the treatment of women. I am currently writing a series of lessons like this to challenge misconceptions and stereotypes in Islam
Jesus Miracles Lesson

Jesus Miracles Lesson

A lesson that looks at miracles and whether they happen using a biblical example. Students are encourages to assess a series of scenarios at the start of the lesson and depict which they think is a miracle. Students then are encouraged to define the word miracle. This then leads on to allow students to analyse a biblical miracle. YOU WILL NEED THE MOVE 'MIRACLE MAKER' and show the section which portrays the 'Raising of Jairus's daughter' OR you could find the story from the Bible.
Living The Muslim Life: Ten Obligatory Acts and The Five Pillars Into lesson. Edexcel B (9-1) GCSE

Living The Muslim Life: Ten Obligatory Acts and The Five Pillars Into lesson. Edexcel B (9-1) GCSE

An introductory lesson that supplements the Oxford Textbook for this course. Using pages 77-78. I have split the lesson into two halves - it is designed for a 2 hr double lesson so some tasks allow students to get out their seats and gather information etc. (all activities resourced but can be easily adapted) The lesson has: 1. Clear outcomes 2. Discussion activities 3. Comprehension tasks 4. Information sheets 5. A range of activities 6. Exam questions with model answers and opportunity for peer assessment.
Hindu and Christian beliefs about the Soul and Life After Death

Hindu and Christian beliefs about the Soul and Life After Death

Christian and Hindu beliefs about the Soul. A lesson with images as a stimulus to start students discussing what they can see within the image. Students can then use the information sheets attached to research different views about the soul within Christianity and Hinduism. Students could teach each other or create mini presentations. The lesson works well in allowing students to compare Eastern and Western attitudes. Resources include: Images on the PowerPoint Structured Activities Outcomes Information Sheets
AQA 9-1 GCSE Religious Studies: Christian Practices: Christian responses to persecution

AQA 9-1 GCSE Religious Studies: Christian Practices: Christian responses to persecution

This lesson comes fully resourced with discussion activities an around the room task etc. The lesson links to page 61-62 of the purple Christianity OXFORD textbook. The lesson ends with shorter exam questions as a plenary Outcomes Must describe what persecution means and how Christians have been persecuted through history Should explain how and why Christians respond to persecution Could consider if persecution is a force for good or evil
Jesus Parables

Jesus Parables

A creative lesson that allows students to understand what the word parable means and why Jesus used parables to teach moral messages. The lesson has clear activities and outcomes. Students are encouraged to research a parable (A selection from the Bible are attached) and explain what they have learnt from the parable (there are a choice of activities ranging from drama to a newspaper article). Students also have the option to rewrite their own parable and give a moral message.
AQA 9-1 Religious Studies/ Christian Beliefs: The role of Christ in salvation.

AQA 9-1 Religious Studies/ Christian Beliefs: The role of Christ in salvation.

A lesson that supplements the textbook endorsed by OXFORD press along with discussion activities and a re-cap on prior learning. The lesson heavily focusses on writing a successful 12 mark answer - lots of differentiated printable resources and activities are attached to support the teaching of structuring a 12 mark answer Lesson Outcomes To describe the role Jesus plays in salvation To explain why atonement is an important belief To evaluate whether The crucifixion is more important than the resurrection’
AQA 9-1 Religious Studies GCSE Muslim Beliefs Revision Lesson

AQA 9-1 Religious Studies GCSE Muslim Beliefs Revision Lesson

A lesson designed to allow students to revise the key theme and topics studied in the Muslim Beliefs Unit What's included: Whole lesson PowerPoint Slide that can be printed as an A3 worksheet for students to record the key knowledge A revision checklist Key quotes for the 5 and 12 marker questions A KEY QUOTES PAGE
AQA 9-1 Religious studies. 12 marker technique . Complete with teaching tools

AQA 9-1 Religious studies. 12 marker technique . Complete with teaching tools

A lesson planned with a whole variety of resources to help students practice and write the perfect 12 mark answer. It includes slides that are printable as teaching aids throughout the course. This lesson took a lot of thought and time to plan so please rate it. The lesson includes : A starter activity Mark scheme task for students to identify the key ingredients of a 12 mark answer How to write a successful PEER paragraph (complete with a printable PEER phrase mat/ example paragraph students need to highlight) An exam question model answer (WAGOLL) An exam question planning sheet A set of arguments for and against for students to order Differentiated writing frames
AQA Religious Studies: Christian Beliefs: The Nature of God

AQA Religious Studies: Christian Beliefs: The Nature of God

Lesson outcomes: To describe what omnipotent/ omnibenevolent and God as Just mean To explain why Christians believe that God is omnipotent/ omnibenevolent and just. To evaluate how these beliefs influence a Christian today A lesson that uses page 10-11 of the Oxford textbook to explore the Nature of God in Christianity. The lesson has 3 printable worksheets that allow students to explore key words and sources of authority. The lesson has a variety of stretch and challenge/ extension tasks and finishes with a 4 mark exam question (with peer assessment opportunity and advice in how to structure the answer)
What is the Soul? KS3

What is the Soul? KS3

A brief PowerPoint with a few activities for students to start to discuss the concept of the Soul. If you can get hold of The Simpsons: 'Bart Sells His Soul' this can be used to allow students to discuss different perceptions of what the soul means to different people.